Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Its 6 O'clock on Chistmas Eve night, we left Jace alone in the family room praying that he wouldn't destroy the present. Low and behold the only presents he has ripped into were his own. They were not the most brightly colored nor the biggest gifts under the tree,but somehow those are the only ones that he has opened.

Two weeks ago... just about the time he turned 6 months he learned to crawl, after he had that basically figured out he would crawl his cute little behind over to the fireplace, couch, laundry basket... anything he could pull himself up with. So now he is quite diligently working on walking.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Big man in a red coat that goes " HO HO HO!"

click on photo to enlarge

So mom and I took Jace to see Santa for the first time yesterday! I have to say he did very well. He didn't cry he just stared at Santa... "Who are you and why do you look like Grandpa Roy?" And as always when there is a camera flashing in his face, he didn't smile. Oh-well that doesn't matter to me I'm just glad that he wasn't screaming. We just got back from Utah for Thanksgiving. They had a shocking lack of snow, but the trip was wonderful never the less.

On a less happy, although funny side note (I love being a mommy) : Jace, while sitting on my lap this morning, even though he was mostly dressed; meaning that he was wearing a diaper and a onsie, somehow managed to pee all over my lap and the floor like he was naked as the day he was born. Needless to say I was not thrilled! Mike on the other hand thinks it was very funny. Especially since I don't think he has ever been peed on.