Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tis the season

Spring has officially unsprung!!!! I dropped Mike off at work this morning and it was -2... that right 34 degrees below freezing. Really, its not all that bad, except for Mike who works outside as a roofer. The other day he had frostcicles attached to his eyelids while at work. Jace was a bit afraid of the snow at first. The first day it snowed Mike came home early and surpised us with a 2' snowman. Jace made a concerted effort to stay at lease 3 feet away at all times. But now he loves it! Likes to stomp his feet and make the Ice crunch! Ah the joys of being 18 months old

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09

We had a wonderful halloween . Jace and I went trunk or treating with our ward while Mike carved this Frankenstein Pumpkin. We decided to crash Ray and Michelle's Halloween because we found out that no kids come to our neighborhood. So we packed up our pumpkin, candy and costumes and headed across town. Mike and I took "Jace" trick or treating. Only some people saw through the ploy of getting candy for a 16 month old (yes, we are eating it all). Most people were too surprised by Mikes costume. You should have seen the little kids so scared they didn't move, and surprisingly Jace wasn't too scared of Mike when he got in his costume. He let Mike carry him most of the night.

I bought this costume for Jace last Halloween and didn't know if he would really wear it this year. But He LOVED it! He looks just like his best friend (a teddy bear). He kept that outfit on all day yesterday and never tried to take any part of it off.

Happy Halloween one and all!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Idaho or bust!

So, the time has come! Jace and I left for Rexburg Idaho on monday August 3rd, we drove- and drove, and drove... and drove and drove some more and we only made it to Boise. We got to crash at a dear friends house for the night and enjoyed a midnight showing of Horton Hears a Who. We departed early tuesday morning to meet our fate! Rexburg baby... bring it on! We have since arrived in one piece. Below is some of the Thrilling places we encountered on the way...

The above are just outside of winnamucca! We stopped for and hour break for Jace to play at the McDonalds playground (that did not go well). Then we had this 30 min traffic jam!

Below is some little town in Oregon - mmmJacksonnnnsomething-or-other, anyway it was quaint!!!

This gas pump was my favorite thing on the entire trip!!

Sad huh!

HOME!!! (well, Almost!)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Birthday

Jace turned 1 year old on June 12! We were all very excited, so I decided to try out my mad photography skills and we took he to Old Town Sacramento.

The fountain was so much fun!

This is where he decided to run away from home!

"You can't stop me, I have made up my mind!"

Ok, maybe I'll just dance!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun with Cherrios

Jace has an incredable knack for finding those things that are his. At Christmas time he only ripped into those presents that were his, he pulls his toys out of my purse, He find his sippy cup in the dishwasher, and this morning he found the Cheerios in the cereal cabinate.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Today being Jace's first Memorial Day, we took him to the park for his first swing exprience. It was pretty good for the most part although we think the forward motion made him a little sick (see 3rd pic down).

Friday, May 22, 2009


Every day when Mike comes home he plays with Jace and this is one of the favorite past times...

Space man and son

Today Jace found Mikes motorcycle helmet. So Jace got a lesson in Motorcycle safety...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I GOT IT!!!!

Jace is a walking dynamo! He is so excited to be upright whether he is holding our finger or going on his own, he is just so proud. However his very favorite way to walk is with his latest treasure... i.e. His wooden spoon, or my shoes... perhaps the tissue box. But today was my favorite He had the laundry basket. It is nearly as tall as he is and a bit awkward but some how he managed and boy was he happy.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

two quick to catch

Right now there have been have been so many cute moments as Jace perfects his walking and climbing skills that I just haven't been able to get them on film. There was the time Mike had his leg up on the coffee table and instead of Jace bending slightly to get under Mikes leg, Jace insists on crawling over. He had to stand on his tippy toes and the hurl himself over Mikes leg. The whole thing was pretty funny. He really seems to enjoy landing on his head. Heaven help me I think I have a dare devil on my hands!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Has Sprung!

Weeks fly by and seasons change and spring is my second favorite time of year ( my first being summer), But Spring-o-Spring, Flowers bloom and the air smells sweet and I can finally go barefoot again without chancing frostbite, O what a glorious time!
We are all getting better here, It seems that the plague has finally past and we all have a bit more bounce in our step... or maybe it is frostbite?! Anyway, Jace is getting so big. He is trying to walk on his own, unfortunately he has his mothers balance so it might take him a while. Fortunately he has his fathers determination so that will take him far! Lately he has spent many hours in his car seat and as a result has learned to keep himself entertained... He blows bubbles...for 45 minutes sometimes. Here is a sampling of his work(its very quite):

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I offer this up as proof for the previous post.