Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Holidays are coming! The HOLIDAYS are coming? THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!!!!!!

Things here have been going well! The sun is shinning at a blazing 80 degrees ... I love California. We are getting ready to go out to Utah for Thanksgiving and we are both so excited. In preperation, I "let" Mike put the Christmas lights up this weekend, like I said it was 80 degrees but it looks great. I got a head start on my christmas card list so I am almost done, I even have been baking sugar cookies. Its just to bad it feels like April around here colder weather would make it feel a bit more festive. Truely things are great. Jace is trying to get the hang of crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees he then edges one knee forward and then the other... he hasn't moved his arms yet and I don't think he has gained any ground but he is starting to understand the concept. It's pretty funny to watch Mike and me get down on our hands and knees to show him how its done. But he is a very happy, CUTE baby--did I mention that he is cute? I think today may have been one of my first inductions to mommy hood...(I spelled so the baby wouldn't hear me) yes he's 5 months old and I spelled.

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